Monday, December 14, 2009

Our Official "Thank You" to recent donor :
Luz Macapagal-Buccat Ph 6,915.00
Current Fund Balance Ph 88,577.99
COMMENTS: Amelia said...
Thank you very much, Luz. It will be inspirational for other classmates especially during the holidays. Instead of exchange of material gifts, a donation to our pool or other charity is the best way of spreading cheer. Ado nga salamat, kabsat - Ahmee December 16, 2009 11:31 AM

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much, Luz --- It will be inspirational for other classmates especially during the holidays. Instead of exchange of material gifts - a donation to our pool or other charity is the best way of spreading cheer. Ado nga salamat, kabsat - Ahmee
